Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Monitoring My Pi Cluster WIth Nagios, Part II - Adding the Pi's

In Part 1, I compiled Nagios from source, installed it and got it running.

Here,  I'm going to describe how I added my Pi's.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Monitoring My Pi Cluster WIth Nagios, Part 1 - Installing

This will hopefully be Part 1 of the story. BTW - It seems to be pronounced Nah - gee (as in geese) - ose. I installed this on a pine64 to monitor my Pi network (4- Pi3s with MySQL5.7 servers, and 1 Pi2 running Zookeeper) and to learn how to use it.

I know this is going to be like "somebody who's played racquetball 3 times teaching someone else to play for the first time", but here goes:

HT RiffTrax Ator the Fighting Eagle 

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Pinebook: Installing Armbian

I just got my Pinebook last week. If you don't know what a Pinebook is: here. I have a couple of pine64's and they are pretty cool. I'm using them as servers, and not using the GPIO or Euler Bus. But the Pinebook is different.

Disclaimer: If you brick your Pinebook, I'm sorry - this is just how I installed Armbian on mine.